Catatumbo Barí Natural National Park is located in the northeast of the Republic of Colombia, at latitude 8° 46′ and 9° 18´ N and longitude 72° 58´ and 73°24´ W, at the northern end of the department of Norte de Santander. The protected area covers an area of 158,125 hectares and has jurisdiction in the municipalities of Convención, El Carmen, Teorama, El Tarra and Tibú in the department of Norte de Santander, at altitudes ranging from 70 to 2000 meters.
Inside there are two reserves inhabited by the Barí or Motilones Indians:
The following indigenous villages are located in the Convention municipality: Okbadukayra, Ikiakarora, Suerena, Brovucanina, Naycadukaira, Akangbarinkaira, Bachindikaira, Atirind, Ikaira, Trindikayra, Korronkayra, Birindikayra, Kantra Kuigday Kaira, Kiribado Kaira, Siriko Kaira, Shubacbarina and Soro Kayra.
In the municipality of Tibú is the Motilón La Gabarra Reserve, with the following villages: Catalaura, Sagbadana, Boquira, Bocabouira and Caricacha.
The Park has a vegetation cover of Tropical Hygrophytic Forest, which covers an area of approximately 126,600 hectares. The Sub-Andean Hygrophytic Forest covers an area of approximately 25,200 hectares.
It is a wild garden where orchids, bromeliads, lianas and heliconias abound with exotic flowers and bright colors.
Inside the park, the mountain ranges and even the hills are very narrow and the slopes are steep, which makes the terrain quite broken. The trees can reach a height of 45 meters and the emerging layer can reach 60 meters. Trees of many families and genera abound, adorned with orchids, bromeliads, lianas and mosses, as well as several species of heliconias or bananas of exotic flowers and bright colors.
Photo Gallery
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Video Gallery
- Restauración ecológica en el PNN Catatumbo de la mano con el pueblo Barí
- Corponor Firma Plan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Natural Catatumbo Bari
- Parque Nacional natural catatumbo bari
- Parque Natural Nacional Catatumbo Barí
- Parque Nacional Natural Catatumbo Barí - Camila Paternina
- Reportaje Medio Ambiental Parque Nacional Natural Catatumbo Juan Camilo Salazar Gelves
- Cultivos ilegales y deforestación asfixian al parque nacional Catatumbo Barí en Colombia
- VID PNN Catatumbo Barí
- Parque Nacional Natural Catatumbo Barí - Camila Paternina
- Parque Nacional Catatumbo Barí - Derecho Ambiental ** Universidad Central**
- parque natural Catatumbo Bari